Melton Space Events
For Cafe opening times, see the Melton Space Cafe page!
You can add this calendar to your own google calendar.
Melton Space on the map... (link to google maps)Fixit Sundays - 1st Sunday of the month
Every First Sunday of the Month is our Melton Space FIXIT SUNDAY - Usually 11 until 3, but check the calendar.
Do you have any broken or faulty items which you would like to try and repair? Are you interested in learning how to make and fix things? Everyone is invited to come along with any broken items to see if they can be fixed – there should be volunteers to help out and give advice.
Can you fix stuff?
If you are good at fixing and/or making things? Then please come to share skills and help out!
Have a go at something new?
In addition to the repair sessions, there will also be opportunities to learn & have-a-go at activities that include Woodwork, Laser Cutting and engraving, Electronics, 3D Printing and working with various materials.
To be kept up to date with events, please follow us on twitter: @MeltonSpace or facebook.
Booking The Rooms
Email [email protected] or call 07857 203 719. There is a fair use policy thay says that resources should not be monopolised by any single member/group.
Members can use all rooms whenever they wish, but if you are running a workshop or event and need exclusive use of a room, bbooking is advised to guarantee the space.
You need to be a registered member of Melton Space to book any rooms for exclusive use. (See our membership page)
We have three spaces that can be booked for exclusive use - each are £10 per hour (Free of course if it is a Melton Space Members' group!)
The Craft Room
This is a busy craft room with seating roundf a centtal table for max 10 people - (6 if you need an A2 sheet each!) It has lots of free-to-use-for-memebrs resoureces and materials in the surrounding storage. Paints, fabrics, papers, yarn, seing machines, glues, sewing and beading etc. The Room is approx. 4.2m x 4.2m.
The Workshop
This is a busy workshop, and is usually busy with members projcts, machines, tools and general resources for fixing and making. Theis is more of a standing workshop with only a 2m central bench. This room has the laser cutter, 3D printer, electronics workstatyion and sotrage shelves. The Room is approx. 4.2m x 4.2m.
The Cafe room
Our friends Sunny Skies CIC manage all the CAFE now so if you wish to book the CAFE room for anything then please contact them on: 07590 671 817.
Let us keep you up to date!:
Become a member today!
We are very grateful to all our members as they are what make melton space what it is.
In addition to the space being open to visitors and new members every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, we also organise any number of public events, open days and workshops that anybody can come along to. Some are free and some have a small fee or pa:y-what-you-feel.
We are not organising & publicising too much at the moment as we are awaiting a decision about our tenancy at the visitor centre... Watch this space!
Special thanks to the following for direct funding and use of premises: